
My Friends

The Home of Conachar
A melding (that is meld.. like a vulcan mind meld.. Jevin says it is MELT.. but that's just though luck for him..cause it's my page not his)pot of my friend Jev's life..

This is a dedication for those bright individuals who can make graphic, icons, and backgrounds
which are everything i ever dreamed of (but couldn't make because i am inept... actually i am getting quite better... i am really...)

Helena's Graphics
A cute place, made by a nice person (very adorable graphics!!!)

Infinite Fish
a plethora of Seamless Background Textures, to lighten (or darken) any web page
...Also usage tips and Color Samples..

Icon Bazaar
A gihugic collection of graphics, icons and rules.. (very excellent Celtic Section!)

Electra's Background
simple but very elegant backgrounds
Just For Fun

The holy trilogy (Clerks, mallrats, chasing amy)amoung other things

Gathering of the Clans
A site where you can get in touch with your scottish roots

Home of Monty Python on the web.. a place to get spam, and to send abuse...

Epitaph anti-web
place of Bad Religion, Descendants and many others...
Applet Arcade
remember Atari??? remember all the games?? you can play them again!!!