The First time I consciously heard to Tonic and knew it was them was at a Verve Pipe Concert. The concert was a triple header at MU (Millersvile University) The First act was Fuel (another mighty fine band) For $7, it wasn't too bad I mean it was in a rinkie-dink gymnasium, it felt like a school dance then a concert. Any way the first impression I got of Tonic was, who the hell are these guys.. I want to see Verve Pipe. I mean there was no moshing, it was lame, and every time a set was over this dickhead of a guy would come on and tell us that if we didn't move back the concert would close. NO ONE moved. So Tonic comes on. The lead singer is pretty cute. Actually the whole damn band is hot..(but no baldie..Fuel had 2 that's where I thought of the idea)Anyway. Emerson Hart started to sing and in the middle of his set he was told to make everyone move back.. So he says in his authoritive voice. "Everyone move back three steps, these guys are getting squished (he was refering to the football players/bouncers). NO ONE moves. So he does another approach. "I know you all have seen Sesame street. Let's count 3 steps together. 1-2-3." Still NO ONE moves. He gives up and says "My F*cking luck to be stuck with a bunk of F*cks who didn't watch Sesame Street." That was funny. Anyway. They played some really good songs, and I was mildly impressed. I was however in AWE of the song, CELTIC AGRESSION (I didn't know the song's name until I bought the CD)Well they were over and Verve pipe gets on.. and that was good. Anyway I get home, and about a week later I have the Tonic CD "Lemon Parade". The cover is very extrodinary. It looks like an 19th century catalog, or circus play bill. I went home and listened to it. Now if you know me, I just don't listen to CDs, I LISTEN to CDs, over and over and over and over, etc.. you get the picture. Well the thing is my MOM liked it. Not as if that is weird. I mean how many of YOUR mother's know all the words to your Veruca salt album?? How many like Savage Garden? She really liked it. As time went along, I found out that my friend's mother liked them also, as well as my uncle, and other aunt. What was this a conspriracy?? WAS I GETTING OLD???? Well mom still refered to Korn as "Sh*t", so I knew that I wasn't getting old. Tonic had this quality that music enthusiasts of all ages can relate. If you listen to the brilliant commanding of "Open up your eyes", evokes a definate sing along. "If you can only see", and easy chorus, but meaningful words. Heart felt anger, trying be understandable. My favorite song "Celtic Aggression" The loss of the past will make the future bleak, as well as our children ignorant. This song with it's celtic words has an old world quality to it. I love it. Kudos to Hart Russo and Rothchild for writing such a beautiful song. I don't care how old you are. Tonic is a great band and Lemon Parade is a brilliant work of genius... okay I am gone now... |